Tuesday, July 6, 2010


Religion, Politics and Same Sex Marriage

In viewing our religion, many of us today especially
on the part of the church is against this bill stating
that sex education will be teach to elementary,
high school or even in kindergarten.

They say that, it is okay to teach sex education in
elementary and high school but not in kindergarten
which is right because imagine at that age they will
thought about those contraceptives that will going
to use in the making of a baby! Isn't immorality?
And I disagree about it!

In Politics, our new President is humble person.
Am I Right? That is true!
People are expecting much more than what they've
expected from the late President Cory Aquino.
People think that in the Presidency of Noynoy will
boost our economy to the stage were less Filipino
suffered from poverty and I think that will
probably happen.

Why do I say so? Because Noynoy Aquino is man
in word and with dignity! He will not tolerate
corruption in his Presidency. Also because of his
Father Benigno Aquino.

The last thing is about Same Sex Marriage.
All I can say is that I disagree!
Because of the fact that God created only two
human being to become one in his altar.
But then we cannot force them not to engage
in that kind of relationship because that's there
way of satisfaction. Isn't it?

But I do not think that it would exist but still there is
because only man and woman can create a child!


Sunday, July 4, 2010

The Greatest Treasure of the Philippines

Filipinos are hospitable, kind and generous, aren't they?
Well that is true!

Because true Filipinos are great, not just writing,
but also in speaking!

Do you want to know what really the treasure of
this country?

The best answer for that is aside from
the natural resources that surrounds
the country, their heart specially!

Why? Because the values of a true
Filipino is deeply comes form their heart.
You will appreciate their acceptance
to an alien worthily.

We know for a fact that some Filipinos
are working abroad for the
reason of poverty!
Isn't it?

But aside from that reason, the service
of a Filipino is worldwide acceptable!

Aside from their heartfelt values, their
"Natural Resources."

Philippines is rich in natural resources
and that's what foreigners attracted of.
And because of that they build up businesses
here and help Filipinos by providing employment.
That's All!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

'My Legacy"

"The Humble President"

Once upon a time, there was a humble president
named "Benigno Simeon C. Aquino III.
He was born to become a servant of his sovereign country.
Because of the worthy people, he was proclaimed as the
new President of his Country!
His worthily promise is his word.
Just like me!
I want to become the gift in our family.
I wish to explore the world together with my family.
Being the eldest is not easy, because you owe all the responsibilities
that a good son must give to his family.
My legacy would make me feel a worthy person in this society
if that would be happened!